How I work

If you’re reading this you may be thinking about whether to engage me. I hope this post tells you a little about how I like to work, what I bring and whether I’d be a good fit for you and your project.

STRIKING, Original Thinking

Do you have big dreams, bold visions? Do you see a better world - and picture the difference you’re going to make in it? You sound great!

I’m not like you. I’m a bad dreamer, seldom the one with the big idea. I’ve learned that the hard way.

But that’s ok. It’s rare, in my experience, for the visionaries to also be the builders, the people that take an idea, animate it and get it over the line.

If that’s true of you, maybe we should work together. Because what I am is a builder, and a very good one - a forensic, resourceful, stylish builder. Your very own alchemist. Put me to work on your visions.


Does your project or programme have issues? Are you or your team struggling with how to tackle them?

Maybe you already know what the issues are. It could be a straightforward performance thing, or a really boring glitch that frankly you don’t have the energy to think about. Maybe it’s simply that your pet project just isn’t doing the thing your Theory of Change says it should.

And then sometimes, you don’t even know what the issues are. Eugh. They’re the worst.

But when, like me, you’ve spent twenty years at the front line of a time-poor / cash-poor / basically poor voluntary and community sector, hanging on through austerity, profound social change and unprecedented inequalities, you get to deal with All the Issues.

And the good news is that I love issues. I’m the kind of person that out-thinks, confronts and then dissolves the issues. Bring me your issues.


Don’t worry, I’m not an agency, so these aren’t My Brand Values. I haven’t sat around with another consultant and workshopped up some bland platitudes that could be true of anyone. To be honest, those kind of exercises make my eyes roll. But here’s what I know.

I know energy is in short supply. Are you tired? It’s understandable if you are. Non-profit work is tiring, and sometimes it’s hard to know if our constant, considerable efforts are worth it. I used to get very tired in my staff roles, but freelancing suits me better and now my job is to be tireless, for you.

Flair is important because, in a field of worthy causes, it can be very difficult to cut through. Flair is about creating something memorable, something that sticks, that one thing the person you’re trying to influence tells their colleagues about you. Sometimes you need just a little, like seasoning. Occasionally it’s the main ingredient. I’m a values-led marketeer, and I have a great barometer for these things.

And finally presence. Presence is all about showing up, setting the tone, a particular kind of resource that puts everything in colour. You already understand this because it’s a big part of good leadership. For me it means I will always show up for you and your project, it’s a priority for me. I never phone it in, and nothing I deliver is off-the-shelf.

how I charge

  • My day rates vary depending on the nature of your work - I won’t charge you a higher rate just because I think I’m worth it, for something I can do quickly and easily, or from home.

  • My higher rates kick in where I’m taking on a management responsibility or working externally - stakeholder management, facilitation and engagement.

  • My suggestion would be not to get too hung up on day rates - talk to me about what you need and how much budget you have. I like to work on the basis of what’s possible.

Want to know more?

If you’d like to know more about me and my journey into freelancing, you might like my new podcast How did you do that?

Co hosted with Simon Stoneham, a marketing freelancer with a background in motorsport, the podcast features extended chats with unique individuals who have all taken non-traditional career paths. Together we explore the stories of those who have left the obvious behind and followed their own roads.

What’s with all the birds?

Glad you asked! There’s a longer post about the thinking behind my brand available here, for anyone interested.