In supporting your business I’m typically thinking about how to leverage your assets, improve your effectiveness or get you unstuck from a path that no longer serves.


All the non-profits I've worked with have one thing in common: they have more useful or valuable assets than they realise.

The financial crash of 2008, the austerity that followed and the social and political crises of recent years have made running a non-profit harder than ever. I know this from lived experience.

But crises can also change the rules and create fresh opportunity, and through these times I have learned how to help non-profits unearth new value from or through their most intangible assets - their brand, reputation, volunteers, organisational knowledge and relationships.


Effective non-profits need heads as well as hearts. I can add rigour and focus to your passion and compassion.

An imbalance in these areas can mean that it’s too easy to equate the very real needs you see every day with the assumption that you’re addressing them effectively. From time to time you might need an objective, external view.

I’ve been in your position, inside organisations struggling with objectivity. Now I work from the outside in, as a consultant, coach, and mentor, or sometimes just a fan. As such, I’m well-placed to help you navigate your most sensitive challenges with respect and integrity.


Strategy + Energy = Progress

There are usually hundreds of reasons why something can’t be done. Some consultants will charge you to just tell you what they are. Problems can be like Christmas lights, requiring a patient and systematic untangling. Others are Gordian knots, demanding a more cavalier kind of cut-through.

As a highly-experienced development specialist the tools I bring to these challenges are many and diverse - some psychological and intuitive, others innovative and surgical. I’ve dealt with most issues a non-profit could ever experience. Bring me yours.